Step into the magical world of Harry Potter: Magic Awakened, a unique blend of a card collection game (CCG) and a role-playing game (RPG). Set in the Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, the game creates an immersive Harry Potter experience that takes place a decade after the defeat of Voldemort. It offers players the opportunity to collect cards, cast spells, face mighty mythical creatures, and make their journey in the wizarding world a reality. This multiplayer game lets players compete in exciting duels, develop strategies, socialize, and choose their own adventures.
Game Features:
If there was ever a more enchanting and immersive way to experience J.K. Rowling's magical universe beyond the books and movies, Harry Potter: Magic Awakened is it. Whether you're a fan of Harry Potter or just someone who appreciates a good fantasy RPG game, this is a must-try. It's spellbindingly addictive, richly detailed, and perfectly captures the charm and magic of the wizarding world.
Games Highlights:
Harry Potter: Magic Awakened allows you to assemble and level up more than 70 cards, conjure spells, and engage in PvP brawls and PvE challenges. Experience a fresh Harry Potter story set ten years after Voldemort's defeat, joining a new generation of witches and wizards, meet familiar characters, and set off on exciting quests. Customize and play in the persona of your unique witch or wizard, shopped in the famous Diagon Alley. Venture into the Forbidden Forest to unravel clues, gather rare ingredients, battle magical creatures, and possibly confront a dragon. Step into the shoes of iconic characters- Harry, Hermione, and Ron; and re-live the unforgettable moments from Harry Potter's epic journey.