Embark on a chilling adventure with Death Park 2: Horror Clown, one of the most terrifyingly thrilling games on Google Play. Set in a creepy city teeming with secrets, monsters, and suspense, your mission is to rescue your sister from a menacing clown while unraveling the enigma of Death Park. So, prepare yourself for an electrifying journey through fear and adventure amid the haunting specter of the scary clown.
Game Features:
Highly recommended for anyone who's a true fan of horror games. If you loved Silent Hill, Dead Space, Evil Nun and Granny, you're bound to relish in the fright of Death Park 2. Surprisingly addictive and guaranteed to impress, this horror shooter will keep you on the edge of your seat with every turn, perfect for anyone longing to experience thrill, horror and adventure all at once.
Games Highlights:
This dreading city unfurls across 8 vast locations, including streets, a hospital, cemetery, sewer, and a military base where navigating between the real and dream world to solve riddles and battle the clown and monsters is an exhilarating experience. The game offers diverse puzzles of two difficulty levels that change with every new adventure, offering a tough but exciting challenge for players. Boasting a brilliant storyline, the game features multiple endings that are influenced by your choices and actions during gameplay. The game delivers the ultimate horror experience through its intense gameplay, sudden screamers and horrific atmosphere, capped off by an original author's soundtrack.