Immerse yourself in the dystopian world of Aether Gazer, where humanity's hope lies in a digitized paradise called Idealbild. In this future, Earth has been made uninhabitable due to constant war, forcing mankind to upload their consciousness to an AI called Gaea, orbiting the Earth. Human consciousness now exists in ten sephirah zones, each boasting its unique culture and beliefs. But not everything is as peaceful as it seems. Unseen evil computer viruses, known as Visbanes, lurk in the Source Layer, seeking to dismantle this well-formed civilization. Your mission? Utilize your characters' skills, form powerful combos, and harness Modifiers to save humanity from this looming threat.
Game Features:
With a captivating storyline, addictive gameplay, and stunning graphics, Aether Gazer will keep you on the edge of your seat. Packed with strategystic combat and compelling lore, this game rewards both quick thinking and exploration prowess. Anyone who enjoys RPGs should not miss out on this gem.
Games Highlights:
The game demands fast-paced decisions for its action-packed combat. Journey through a dystopian world filled with intriguing lore and plentiful loot to collect. Can't stick to one avatar? Customize your character's skills and switch your fighting style on the fly. Mix and match your squad members to execute chained combos and witness stunning performances. Fall in love with the aesthetically pleasing premium quality character designs, brought to life through advanced NPR rendering technology. Indulge in an immersive soundtrack complemented by unique voiceovers for every character.