Immerse yourself in the unique and somewhat obscure world of Origin Story, a fascinating mobile game where survival is key. The narrative follows an unnamed child, only referred to as sausage run, who has been mysteriously kidnapped during a seemingly innocent school trip to an amusement park named Odd World. Now, the intrigue of the game involves trying to stay alive in a peculiar setting for five consecutive nights filled with peculiar Rainbow Monsters and unexpected challenges.
Game Features: Origin Story stands out in the plethora of mobile games with its unique gameplay mechanics and engrossing storyline. The strategic element of survival mixed with the unexpected tasks makes it an exciting yet challenging journey, keeping players enthralled till the very end. Also, the game’s disclaimer on being a horror experience is not to be taken lightly - the seemingly cute and innocent monsters are quick to transform into your biggest nightmares, making it a must-try for every lover of suspense and horror.
Games Highlights:
Venture into each evening with a different objective, keeping you on your toes throughout. From hunting for blocks on Night 1 to feeding the ominous monsters on Night 2, each night brings a fresh, thrilling task. Additionally, the game is all about stealth and strategy - evading colorful but menacing monsters that are each armed with unique quirks and behaviors. And don't forget about the sounds! The audio cues are crucial to your survival, indicating the nearness of lurking Rainbow Monsters. The use of headphones is strongly suggested for the full heart-pounding experience.