Immerse yourself in the fantastical world of Masha and the Bear with 30 educational games to uncover. Aimed at young minds up to 6 years old, the games are based on the popular series that narrates the engaging chronicles of Masha, a lively girl under the care of a bear and her delightful animal friends. Children are guaranteed to have a thrilling and captivating experience while learning and having fun with Masha and her friends.
Game Features:
Masha and the Bear Educational game receives an enthusiastic thumbs-up from editors for its brilliant ability to blend education and entertainment in a kid-friendly package, targeting children's natural curiosity while nurturing their development. With unforgettable characters from the beloved TV series, children can learn and play at the same time. Moreover, parents have praised it for its clever and appealing design that educates both children and parents about true friendship in an interactive and smart way. This game offers guaranteed fun along with hours of engagement and learning. It's the ideal choice for a constructive and entertaining pastime.
Games Highlights:
This game offers 6 categories of exciting activities. From painting fun-filled drawings to learning new words across various languages in the Word Search section, children's creativity and vocabulary are enhanced. The Memorize Objects and Silhouettes section is effective in improving visual perception and memory. The Puzzles feature uses pieces of various sizes and shapes to stimulate ingenuity, while the Music and Instruments section provides an opportunity to get creative with the xylophone, piano or drums. Lastly, the Simple Numbers and Operations section teaches children numbers from 1 to 10.